413 research outputs found

    La festa, memòria col·lectiva d’un poble. Cançons, balls i tonades de Manacor: un recurs a l’aula

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    Les manifestacions musicals dels actes festius de Manacor són el principal objecte d’estudi d’aquest treball, que pretén unir tres mons: la música i cultura tradicionals, la pedagogia i les noves tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació. Per entendre bé el significat de les cançons, balls i tonades que hem estudiat i organitzat seguint la roda de l’any, hem hagut d’endinsar-nos en les arrels de la nostra història i cultura per poder-les contextualitzar. El fil conductor han estat les festes populars, que guarden gran part de la memòria col·lectiva d’un poble. Hem afavorit l’ús pedagògic mitjançant fitxes d’anàlisi, aplicacions didàctiques i enregistraments de les cançons seleccionades, tot confiant que pugin servir de recurs per a qualsevol docent amb l’objectiu d’aprendre música i cultura tradicionals de Manacor i, per extensió, de les Illes Balears. La necessitat de facilitar el maneig del material que oferim en aquest treball i la voluntat de donar-li difusió han fet que prengués forma de pàgina web. Així, tota la informació —marc historicocultural, fitxes i enregistraments— està organitzada en format de webLas manifestaciones musicales de los actos festivos de Manacor son el principal objeto de estudio de este trabajo, que pretende unir tres mundos: la música y cultura tradicionales, la pedagogía y las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Para entender el significado de las canciones, bailes y tonadas, que hemos estudiado y organizado siguiendo la rueda del año, hemos tenido que adentrarnos en las raíces de nuestra historia y cultura propia para poder contextualizarlas. El hilo conductor han sido las fiestas populares, que guardan gran parte de la memoria colectiva de un pueblo. Hemos privilegiado el uso pedagógico mediante fichas de análisis, aplicaciones didácticas y grabaciones de las canciones seleccionadas, confiando en que puedan servir de recurso para todos los docentes con el objetivo de aprender música y cultura tradicionales de Manacor y, por extensión, de las Illes Balears. La necesidad de facilitar el manejo del material que ofrecemos en este trabajo y la voluntad de darle difusión han hecho que tomase forma de página web. Así, toda la información —marco historicocultural, fichas y grabaciones— está organizada en formato webThis article introduces an analysis of the main features about the evolution of initial training curricula for Primary and Early Childhood teachers in recent decades and it especially comments on how changes stemming from the unification of European Higher Education (EHEA) have affected the training of future teachers. The curricula in 1993 and 2002 are briefly described in order to later show a snapshot of what the EHEA has meant to university’s world. Lastly, the most significant features of the University of the Balearic Islands’ Early Childhood Education Degree and Primary Education Degree are submitte

    Unveiling the nature and interaction of the intermediate/high-mass YSOs in IRAS 20343+4129

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    In order to elucidate the nature of the brightest infrared sources associated with IRAS 20343+4129, IRS1 and IRS3, we observed with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) the 1.3 mm continuum and CO(2-1) emission of the region. Faint millimeter dust continuum emission was detected toward IRS1, and we derived an associated gas mass of ~0.8 Msun. The IRS1 spectral energy distribution agrees with IRS1 being an intermediate-mass Class I source of about 1000 Lsun, whose circumstellar material is producing the observed large infrared excess. We have discovered a high-velocity CO bipolar outflow in the east-west direction, which is clearly associated with IRS1, and the outflow parameters are similar to those of intermediate-mass young stellar objects. Associated with the blue large scale CO outflow lobe, detected with single-dish observations, we only found two elongated low-velocity structures on either side of IRS3. The large-scale outflow lobe is almost completely resolved out by the SMA. Our detected low-velocity CO structures are coincident with elongated H2 emission features. The strongest millimeter continuum condensations in the region are found on either side of IRS3, where the infrared emission is extremely weak, and the CO and H2 elongated structures follow the border of the millimeter continuum emission that is facing IRS3. All these results suggest that the dust is associated with the walls of an expanding cavity driven by IRS3, estimated to be a B2 star. Within and beyond the expanding cavity, the millimeter continuum sources can be sites of future low-mass star formation.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Fabiana Luci de Oliveira - Justiça, profissionalismo e política: O STF e o controle da constitucionalidade das leis no Brasil

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    Judiciário: a institucionalização como poder

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    O artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o processo de construção da identidade do Judiciário, tendo por base o modelo constitucional presidencialista de tripartição de poderes. Ao longo do tempo, o Judiciário e seus integrantes fizeram-se presentes na arena pública e na vida social, constituindo-se como protagonistas de primeira grandeza. A discussão parte do suposto de que o desenho constitucional forja características que respondem pela identidade da instituição. Esses atributos, contudo, configuram virtualidades que podem ser impulsionadas ou debilitadas por traços de seus ocupantes, bem como pelas relações com atores externos.The article aims to present the process of construction of the Judiciary’s identity, based on the presidential constitutional model of tripartition of branches. Over time, the Judiciary and its members have made their presence felt in the public arena and in social life, establishing themselves as major players. The discussion starts from the assumption that the constitutional design forges characteristics that account for the identity of the institution. These attributes, however, configure virtualities that can be boosted or weakened by traits of their occupants as well as by relationships with external actors

    Acesso à justiça: um direito e seus obstáculos

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    This paper aims at advancing a reflection on the right to access to justice, and on the difficulties for achieving it. It is based on the principle according to which the right to access to justice entails at least three distinct and interconnected phases: an entrance door to achieving the right, the paths to be followed after entering, and finally the exit door. In this regard, the right to access to justice is achieved only when the individual, upon passing through the entrance door, is able to see and reach the exit door in a reasonable time period. Lengthy conflict resolution processes are big hindrances to reaching the exit door and, consequently, to achieving the access to justice.O texto tem por objetivo propor uma reflexão sobre o direito de acesso à justiça e sobre as dificuldades para a sua realização. A exposição parte do princípio de que o direito de acesso à justiça implica que se considerem ao menos três etapas distintas e interligadas: o ingresso visando à obtenção de um direito, os caminhos posteriores à entrada e, finalmente, a saída. Nesse sentido, o direito de acesso à justiça só se efetiva quando a porta de entrada permite que se vislumbre e se alcance a porta de saída em um período de tempo razoável. A morosidade na solução dos conflitos é um importante entrave para alcançar a porta de saída e, em decorrência, para a realização do acesso à justiça

    La importància del procés en l’art: l’error com a forma d’aprendre en l’educació secundària

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    Màster Universitari de Formació del Professorat de Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutora: Laura González Llaneli[cat] L’error sol tenir connotacions negatives i és una cosa a evitar a les aules de l’educació secundària. No obstant això, resulta essencial treballar i exposar a l’alumnat a l’experimentació i la presa de riscos durant el procés creatiu. L’objectiu del present treball és aconseguir que l’alumnat comprengui la importància de l’error durant el procés artístic i del fet d’equivocar-se, per així desenvolupar una actitud més positiva cap a l’error. Amb freqüència, la por a cometre errors bloqueja a l’alumnat i cal considerar l’error com una fase inevitable del procés artístic que l’estudiant ha d’interioritzar. Per assolir-ho, s’ha dissenyat la situació d’aprenentatge “Aprenem de l’error”, la qual pretén incentivar una mentalitat més positiva davant l’error, orientada al creixement dels estudiants. Aquesta s’ha aplicat en la classe de 4t d’ESO d’EVP de l’Institut l’Alzina. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que l’alumnat valora d’una forma més positiva l’error i el consideren com una oportunitat per aprendre.[eng] Errors often carry negative connotations and are something to be avoided in secondary education classrooms. However, it is essential to work and expose students to experimentation and risk-taking during the creative process. The aim of this work is to help students understand the importance of errors during the artistic process and the act of making mistakes in order to develop a more positive attitude towards errors. Frequently, the fear of making mistakes blocks students, and it is necessary to consider errors as an inevitable phase of the artistic process that students need to internalize. To achieve this, the learning situation “Learnning from Mistakes” has been designed, aiming to promote a more positive mindset against errors, oriented towards student growth. This approach has been applied in the 4th year of secondary school in the subject of Visual and Plastic Education at l'Alzina Institute. The results obtained show that students value errors in a more positively way and consider them as an opportunity for learning